Monday, December 5, 2011

Pushing Your Life to the Edge

What have you always wanted to do, but were afraid to try?  What intentions do you have for your life, but so much gets in the way?  What is your purpose, but you find it hard to get there?
Maybe it is a list of risks, like skydiving or traveling.  Maybe it is being true to your heart and honoring your authentic self.  Maybe it is being present in the moment.  Maybe it is finding forgiveness or healing in your life or making a much needed change.
What gets in the way of these things we long for?  Fear, money, judgments-your own and others, time, other commitments….you get the picture, our excuses can go on and on and on.  This is our edge.
Getting to Bali for me took 8 hours of air travel just to get to the east coast.  Then another 16 hours across the international time zone, a 4 hour layover in Taiwan, then another 5 hour plane ride to Bali.  These numbers for some may get in the way.  But if these numbers become your edge in life…meaning, if you allow those numbers to get in your head and in your way, you will limit yourself to the possibilities. 
Our edges define us if we allow them to.  Break through your edge.  Today, I went snorkeling in the ocean.  Not something I am even remotely comfortable doing.  The fear of sharks, the fear of the risk was my edge.  I pushed through it and saw amazing things.  Pushing through the edge, as Jana shared with us on our first day in Sanur, Bali, expands our world and ripples out to encapsulate other things we may want in our lives, we may NEED in our lives like a ripple effect. 
Our good Hot Pink YOUniversity friend and supporter, Ann Saris shared with us the following poem from The Ripple Effect Project about just that thing.

It is not given us
to live lives
of undisrupted calm,
boredom, and mediocrity.
It is given us
to be edge-dwellers.
-Jay Deacon
Dwell on your edge today, look down at the precipice below….and let go and jump! 

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing Christie! Your blog is very inspiring, thank you! Can't wait to hear more of Bali, and know that you are having an amazing experience. I will live vicariously through you for this trip...and look forward to seeing pictures and hearing more when you're back. Safe travels! Namaste' Marcie
